A weekend for family

Ready to leave rainy Sweden
Chey, Krista and Victor
Uncle Lee and Aunty Lima
Lines lines lines
Hi mum, nice to see you after two months apart

Warm enough to have a cuppa outside

Morning light

Always a cup of tea
Morning sis
Breakfast time with Marc, Wes, Krista and Chey
The wall of heights
Aunty Eve and Marc's amazing garden
Myself and my superstar cousin, Wes
Krista and Victor
Förrförra torsdagen flög jag, min syster, moster med sin man, kusin och hennes fästman till England för en långhelg. Anledningen var en begravning och det var ju såklart så jävla sorgligt. Men önskan från alla var att hylla min mosters Debs liv vilket gjorde allt häng med vår enorma familj och vänner blev så himla fint ändå. Mormor hade åtta barn, de är sju kvar. Tillsammans är vi barn elva kusiner; många har känts som syskon när vi växt upp. Till vår klan hör även mormors fem barnbarnsbarn till. Släktens respektive var med, barndomskompisar som inte setts på fyrtio år och vänner till familjen. Eftersom min moster Deb hatade kylan var det extra symboliskt att vi fick högsommarvärme under hela helgen och kunde umgås, äta och dricka i moster Eves trädgård.
Translation to English 
Thursday before last I flew to England for a long weekend with my sister, aunt and her husband, cousin and her fiancé. The reason was a funeral which was obviously so, so sad. But a wish from everyone was to celebrate my Aunty Deb's life which made all the socializing with our enormous family and friends so nice anyway. Nan had eight children, there are still seven. Together we children make up eleven cousins; many have felt like siblings growing up. Nan also has five great-grandchildren to make our count even bigger. The family's other halves were there, childhood friends that hadn't seen each other for forty years and friends to the family. Because my Auny Deb hated the cold it was extra symbolic that we had such amazing weather during the whole weekend and could hang out, eat and drink in Aunty Eve's garden. 
Nathan and Sienna, two of my cousins' children
Aunty Deb, Aunty Lima, Aunty Angela and mum
Mum, Aunty Deb, Uncle Marcel and Aunty Eve as children <3
Chey, cousin Kabe and cousin Sade's fiancé Gaz
Uncle Aston
My cousin Max's daughter, Skye
Chey, Max, Sades
Nan donning the Celiné
Krista making everyone cry, singing Songbird again
Pam and Cliff
They say we look alike nowadays, ha
Some at fish&chips, the rest of us shovelled down Jamaican
Tim and Ed
Probably the funniest picture of Nan in history; she cried laughing when she saw it!
Happy birthday, Aunty Deb. You were forced to leave too soon and we all miss you terribly. I'll keep your voice in my head, reminding me to just get things "fu*king done" and not waste my time on stuff that aren't worth it. Remebering that strong women are awesome and to make the most of life. xxxxx
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