Tour day 3: Lake Powell, Horseshoe Bend and Antilope Canyon

Most of you know I usually post a list of great things on Fridays, but I just couldn't muster it for today. So, let's get down to showing you the last pictures of mine and Daniel's tour days before we get to San Francisco. For you who have missed this, my boyfriend and I visited America for three weeks this summer. The previous posts are linked at the bottom of this post. Are you ready for a long entry with pictures of amazing American nature? Let's go then!
1. At 5am we left the village of Paige where we'd stayed over to get on an early boat ride on Lake Powell. It was peaceful but I could have skipped that extra cost, to be honest. Mainly because it was man-made.
2. Horseshoe Bend. The place I'd never heard about but seen on pictures. It was so high and there were no barriers anywhere. We wanted to stay forever and just stare at the Colorado river but also wanted to get down there and kayak it too. 
3. Antilope Canyon, a magnificent place to visit but also a very crowded one. It is only 400 metres long and then you turn and come back. The water that floods the area has created the canyon, made the walls smooth and has created the amazing forms.
Jenny Pettersson:

Fan va mäktigt och vilka MAGISKA bilder! Wow

Svar: Det var oändligt fräckt faktiskt. Och TACK bästing!
Nastasja Thor

Ellen Lindberg:

Åh, herregud så mäktigt!

Svar: Ja, det var verkligen helt galet att stå på alla dessa platser. Älskar naturen alltså.
Nastasja Thor


Men alltså guuuuud vilka bilder! Blir helt snurrig av formerna, färgerna och rörelserna i Antilope Canyon. Så så så himla vackert!

Svar: Åh men tack Alicia, blir så glad! Men som du säger, formerna och allt är så fenomenalt att det var svårt att inte fånga det. Så magnifikt.
Nastasja Thor

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